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Meeting Logistics: 

Attendee List:

  1. Qiao Fu (china Mobile)
  2. Deepanshu Bhatia (VoerEir)
  3. Rajamani Rajesh (Spirent)
  4. Michael Fix (AT&T)
  5. Mark Shostak (AT&T)
  6. Lincoln Lavoie (UNH-IOL)
  7. Jiaqiang Zhang (China Mobile)
  8. Manik Sidana (VoerEir)

Goals of Meeting

  1. Prague Deliverables (owners)
  2. Status from Lead & Authors (e.g. POD15)


  • Remaining Meeting Coverage




    Who is here


    12/18RI RC CombinedFu Qiao, MikeHosts areMike off 12/18-1/1, return 1/2, but will host
    12/25Move call to 12/23Fu QiaoFu Qiao and China MobileRajesh out 12/25-1/1, Mike off per above, Shiby OoO 12/23-12/30
    1/1Move call to 12/30 Fu QiaoFu QiaoSee above for Rajesh and Mike
    1/8RI RC CombinedFu Qiao, Mikehosts areRoutine, business as usual
    • Fu Qiao will host both RI and RC meetings for 12/23 and 12/30.
    • Agendas will remain static, with same deliverables.
    • Teams will continue to drive closure to content, GitHub Issues, and Prague Deliverables.

  • Prague Deliverables 
    • RI
      • Fu Qiao has worked out a skeleton for the Prague Key updates. Call for comments and please add updates for specific chapter.
      • View file
        nameCNTT Technical F2F Work Shop-RI WS Key Updates.pptx
      • Content for:
        • Lab Requirements (Rajesh, +topology document, send Mark B a link to Pharos) -
          • Mark B - working on documenting current state of lab
          • Rajesh - has list of requirements, need to share w/ Mark and put in GitHub repo
        • Installer Requirement (Chen Liang) -
          • Initial content developed. Suggest to close issue #795. Create new issue for HDV and airship updates.
          • Chen has prepared some contents for Prague updates and discussion
          • View file
            namecnnt-ri chapter 05-V2.pptx
        • NFVI required State (Manik, Sridhar, +Manifest validations) -
          • Neither Manik/Sridhar available for comment
        • Cookbook (Mark B., important) -
          • Mark, Cedric working on the cookbook
          • Chapter 7 will be the cookbook - targeting end of week, beginning of next week
            • Sections 2-4 Mark, Section 5 Fu Qiao, Section 6 Sridhar, Remaining Sections 7-10 Cedric
          • Mark work with Sridhar, Cedric, and Fu Qiao to open a PR and add missing content
          • Cedric to check with Sridhar to see if we leverage XTesting based container for AirShip deployments (a goal,. but confirm if feasible)
      • Implementation side:
    • RC
  • Status 
    • RI
      • Cookbook progress
        • (Cedric/Mark) Started documentation, will put on wiki, will create and complete by 12/23-12/24; will include list of parameters and cookbook by 12/23
      • POD Status
        • Neither Sridhar, nor Rajesh, available for comment
        • Latest from ~12/18 (offline email) 
          • pod10 is up and running with current patches
          • pod15 manifest is ready, but continue to face h/w issues, latest being 1 compute node will not do a PXE boot; ticket opened for help; will proceed with installs and try to complete Tues-Wed
      • Chapter Progress by Authors per recent PRs created
        • Did not get to on call
    • RC
      • Deployment and Compliance Validation (Cedric) 
        • Awaiting install of POD15
          • POD10 deployments & validation issues (question)
          • POD15 deployments & validation issues (question)
      • RM/RA requirements extraction (Rajesh, Sridhar)
        • Rajesh / Sridhar pulling together, along with support from Deepanshu to identify Ocate>Pike>Stein differences; captured in MVPs and open issues
      • Chapter Progress by Authors per recent PRs created
        • Did not get to on call



Additional Notes / Links:

  • RC Work stream
    • RC NFVI: Rajesh, Mike
      • Documentation moving along?  Ch's 1,2,3,4
      • Issues
      • PRs
      • Status | Tasks (Work in progress)
        •  Receive Lab (date)
        •  (In progress) Translate RA requirements to Manifest Needs (See above for Assistance needed)
        •  Tune Manifest to match RA requirements (Target End State Lab - POD15) - status of POD 10, then date for POD 15
        •  Testing
          1. Prepare automation harness - connectivity, validation (POD10)? – Cedric?
            1. e.g. functest-smoke-cntt was just created. neutron-tempest-plugin-api is already conformed with the current API section.
          2. Create Test Plan
          3. Finalize Test Harness/Framework
          4. Perform Manifest Validations
          5. Results Collection & Normalization
    • RC VNF:  Mike
      • Documentation moving along?  Ch's 5,6,7
      • Issues
      • PRs
      • Status | Tasks (Work in progress)
        1. VNF Prototypes
          •  (In Progress) Families Identified
          •  (In Progress) Test Requirements Identified


            1. Use POD10 for Network Intensive. 

            2. Measure stats related to the NFVi datapath capacity.

            3. Goal will be to demonstrate full automation of the environment (continuous deployment) with test cases with some useful test results (continuous testing).
            4. Status? Then look at adding compute and storage intensive VNFs and identify test cases that map back to CNTT specified capabilities.(Luc, Sridhar, Al, Trevor - creating more detailed plan?).
        2. Testing
          1. Create Test Plan
          2. Finalize Test Harness/Framework
          3. Results Collection & Normalization
    • RC Dev: Cedric
      • Documentation moving along?  Ch's 8,9,10,11
      • Issues
      • PRs
      • Status | Tasks (Work in progress)
        • Jenkins setup
        • VNF prototype
          1.  Development
          2. Connectivity to POD15


Table of Contents Owners:

  • RC: status | issues
    • NFVI
      • Ch01: Introduction: Rajesh, Kanagaraj,Manik (confirmed) -
        • (Refer to PR
        • Synopsis
        • Introduction
        • Principles & Guidelines
        • Goals & Objectives
        • Best Practices
        • Verification methodologies
        • Assumptions & Dependencies
        • Results Collation & Presentation
        • Measurements, Monitoring
        • Governance
        • Resources & References
      • Ch02: NFVI E2E C&V Framework Requirements: Cedric,Manik (confirmed) -

        • Methodology
        • Certification Strategy & Vehicle
        • Profiles Reference
        • Compliance, Verification, and Certification
        • Entry & Exit Criteria
        • Frameworks: e.g. Functest (StorePerf, SampleVNF, others?)
      • Ch03: NFVI Test Case Requirements: Georg,Toshi (question)

        • Assumptions: Automatable, Integrated with CICD tool chain
        • Type of requirement: Bare metal, API, etc
        • Table showing Profile Catalog
        • Identify SW Reference
        • Identify HW Reference
        • Options Available / Configured
        • Extensions Available / Configured
      • Ch04: NFVI TC Traceability to RA Requirements: Rajesh, Dan, Ashok,Deepanshu (confirmed)-

        • SME:Functest knowledge
        • Define RM/RA-1 Openstack requirements
        • Map Framework to Requirements
    • VNF
      • VNF Prototype Plan - details, dates (Trevor)
      • Ch05: VNF E2E C&V Framework Requirements:  Kanagaraj, Cedric,Shiby (confirmed) -

        • Methodology
        • Introduction of Golden VNFs &/or Prototype VNFs
        • Certification Strategy & Vehicle
        • Profiles Reference
        • Compliance, Verification, and Certification process
        • Entry & Exit Criteria
        • Frameworks: Functest, SampleVNF, Prototype Family/Class
      • Ch06: VNF Test Case Requirements: Fu Qiao,Yan Yang (confirmed), Chuyi Guo, Kanagaraj,Shiby (confirmed) -

        • Assumptions: Automatable, Integrated with CICD tool chain
        • Developer Deliverables (artifacts)
        • Type of requirement: Bare metal, API, etc
        • Type of Interactions: Extended Topology, Complex (Akraino), Functional, HA, Fault, Interoperability
        • Table showing Performance Profiles
        • Table of VNF Class/Family & Characteristics of Each
      • Ch07: VNF TC Traceability to RM Requirements: Rajesh, Kanagaraj,Yan Yang (confirmed) -

        • SME:Functest knowledge
        • Define RM/RA-1 Openstack requirements
        • Map Framework to Requirements
    • Dev
      • Deployment Validations (Cedric)
      • Ch08: E2E Framework Integration: Cedric, Kanagaraj,Sridhar (question) Yan Yang (confirmed) -
        • Identify Framework Needs, Goals, and Dependencies
        • Define Opensource Integration (OPNFV, OVP, Functest, CVC, others)
        • Provide Automation Toolchain (list, topology, flow)
      • Ch09: NFVI Tests Traceability to TC Requirements: Cedric,Deepanshu (confirmed)

        • Define RM/RA-1 Openstack requirements
        • Map Framework to Requirements
      • Ch10: VNF Tests Traceability to TC Requirements: Cedric,Liping Zhao (question),Shiby (confirmed) -
        • Define RM/RA-1 Openstack requirements
        • Map Framework to Requirements
      • Ch11: Gap analysis & Development: Cedric, Kanagaraj,Shiby (confirmed) -
        • Test Case Gaps (Analysis)
        • Automation Gaps
        • Open Stack release comparisons (Ocata, Pike, Queens, Stein, etc)