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Attendee List:

  1. Qiao Fu (China Mobile)
  2. Michael Fix (AT&T)
  3. Jim Baker (LFN)
  4. Mark Shostak (AT&T)
  5. Al Morton (AT&T)
  6. Pierre Lynch (Keysight)
  7. Lei Huang (China Mobile)
  8. Rajamani Rajesh (Rajesh)
  9.  Liang Chen(China Mobile)
  10. Jiaqiang Zhang (China Mobile)
  11. Deepanshu Bhatia (VoerEir)
  12. Sridhar Rao (Spirent)
  13. Trevor Cooper (Intel)
  14. Ashok Kumar (VoerEir)
  15. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
  16. Lincoln Lavoie (UNH-IOL)
  17. Shiby Parayil (Iconnectiv)
  18. Yan Yang (China Mobile)
  19. Hongli Zhang (China Mobile)
  20. Jiaqiang Zhang (China Mobile)MICHAEL FIX

Goals of 11/13 Meeting:

  • Prague F2F schedule planning
    • General RI WS updates: fundamental concepts, major progress, roadmap, challenges, collaboration with OPNFV ...
    • Installer description file updates and joint discussion with Pharos/Infra WG
    • POD implementation updates, progress and challenges
    • LAB updates, requirements, status and progress
    • Format
      • Short Description:  One line description of topic
      • Detailed Description: Detailed description of topic
      • Topic Leader: name 1, name 2, ...
      • Estimated Audience (Participant?) Size (1-15 / 15-30 / 30-50 / >50):
      • Interested In Attending: If you are interested in this discussion and would like to participate in it, please add your name and email here (one name/email per line please). We'll use this information when building the schedule so that we minimize overbooking people where possible.
  • Status of POD10
    • Success (question)
    • Requirements extraction from RM/RA
    • Use of PDF
  • Plans/dates for POD15
  • Approve PRs (question)
  • Assign open issues:  1 Lab, 3 Dev (see links below)
  • Verify owners


  • General Admin
    • RI Documentation
      • To be written (completed) with the Jan CNTT Release
    • Run Book (GitHub - RI Ch07 - aka Cookbook for lab setup, deployment and validation)
      • To be written (compiled, completed) with the Jan CNTT Release
      • Will be part of RI Ch07 deliverable
      • Consists of 
        • Pre-Requisite(s):  Bare-metal validations confirming delivery, rack, stack, of env is "ready" for software deployments (e.g. BIOS, firmware, boot order, health, disk config, port / socket validations, MAC/NIC status, etc)
        • a) RA Requirements Gathering process
        • b) Infra Requirements and Selection Process
        • c) Access & Connectivity
        • d) Descriptor file &/or Manifest creation (data elements, use/implementation)
        • e) Deployment Installer & Install Steps
        • f) Deployment Validations
        • ...others?
  • Work-stream
    1. Core
      1. Lead: Fu Qiao
      2. Issues:  six(6) →
      3. PRs: five(5) →
      4. Status
      5. Tasks (Work in progress)
        1. Creation of PDF/SDF TemplatesTemplates → 11/13 Fu Qiao mentioned there is a call this week with Jack Morgan with the Infra WG to discuss PDF and possible changes needed to accommodate Airship
        2. Hand-off to RC WS
    2. Lab Setup
      1. Lead: Rajesh Rajamani
      2. Issues: 
        1. 1 unassigned, 4 total
          1. Assigned 525 RI1 Labs to Fu Qiao and Rajesh -
      3. PRs: zero(0) →
      4. Status
        1. POD10 (CNTT RI PoC) - will be used for initial install of OS via AirShip
          • Status 
            • 11/13 → Patches needed
              • SRIOV – thought NIC was different, so diff driver
              • Generic Env Variable
              • Sridhar will open tickets to track (in GitHub)
              • Sridhar will reach out to Airship dev team to confirm both request have been received/acknowledged
            • Manifest Validation(s) -11/13 Sridhar to provide status and its relation to OPNFV-AirShip status/discussion
            • Jenkins setup? 
              • 11/13 (Cedric) Jobs written
              . Waiting for slave from LF.  Working with Jim to get traction.  Support ticket opened.  And, open GitHub issue.
              • . Slave Delivered.
                • CI/CD mostly in place (Functest ok, Jenkins Jobs ok, missing few changes + bugs in Airship for automated deployments)
                • API Compliance (only Neutron and Cinder are well covered by CNTT docs – I’m currently working on Nova, Keystone, Swift and Glance)
                • Functest Compliance is up-to-date with CNTT API section
        2. POD15 (CNTT RI target state) - end state lab for RI 1.0
          • Status:
            • Target date to start base install?  (Rajesh) Provide date for install.
            • What about the creation/use of PDF/SDF?  (Fu Qiao) Take back to Core Team for how to incorporate/start these consumables.
            • 11/13 Discussion on when to deploy to POD15
              • Went over need to perform bare-metal validations as a pre-req:  No tools exist today to do, even UNH-IOL does not have tools
              • Question remains, how to perform validations without a tool?  Step 1
              • Step 2:  Perform manifest validations against deployed code → Rajesh/Sridhar to setup call with Mark S. and Cedric to confirm where Requirements are located, then start looking at tools
      5. Tasks (Work in progress)
        1. PoC on Trial Lab
          •  POD10
            •  Confirm availability (10/9)
            •  Confirm access (10/16)
            •  Perform AirShip installer (owner | date)
            •  Validate install status & env health (smoke test) (owner | date) → In progress (11/613)
            •  Confirm & correct deployment issues - tune manifest (10/16-EOM Oct) (owner | date)
        2. Implementation on Target Lab
          •  POD15
            •  Confirm availability (10/9)
            •  Confirm access (10/16)
            •  Perform AirShip installer (owner | date) → 11/13 Under discussion, pending the outcome of a) the manifest validations in POD10, and b) completion and documentation of  bare-metal validations in POD15.
            •  Validate install status & env health (smoke test) (owner | date)
            •  Confirm & correct deployment issues - tune manifest (10/16-EOM Oct) (owner | date)
    3. Dev 
      1. Leads: Cedric Ollivier, Rex Lee and Lei Huang
      2. Issues3 unassigned, 10 total →✓&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A"RI+1+Dev"+ 
        1. 11/13 Assigned 508, 509, 510 to Cedric as these are all about porting to Functest
      3. PRs:
      4. Status
        1. See above & below for POD10 and POD15 status, and action items below.
      5. Tasks (Work in progress)
        1. Item 1
        2. Item 2
        3. Item 3

AOB (Any other Business):

  • Discussed the need to complete RI documentation by Jan F2F
  • Also, discussed the need to complete the "Run Book" by Jan F2F - which will be Ch 7 of the RI documentation
  • Bare metal validations (manifest checks w/ h/w or lab delivery) → needs to be added to the Run Book
    • Gap?  Pre-existing process/validations?  → there are post software deployment validations, but no validations to date to confirm the bare metal delivered is ready for s/w deployments
    • This will be included as a pre-req in the RI Ch07 documentation
  • POD10 deployment - complete?
    • POD10 software is deployed
    • However.. the AirShip deployment installer and manifests were (are) specific to POD17
    • There is AirShip project discussions underway to make the installer generic so it can be used across any POD; for now, it's been manually configured for POD10
    • ETA is ~11/17-11/20 for the automated deployment change can be done and tested, and possibly implemente
  • Functest API test - status?  green light?
    • Cedric received the green light today to run Functest, less the CICD scripts to perform the deployment
    • The deployment+validation steps will not be run until the AirShip generic installer parameters have been created and tested
    • ETA for Functest readout is by EOW (11/8)
