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Please add your name in here:

  2. Mark Shostak (AT&T)
  3. Rajamani Rajesh (Spirent)
  4. Trevor Cooper (Intel)
  5. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
  6. Vincent Danno (Orange)
  7. Ashok Kumar (VoerEir)
  8. Daniel Balsiger (Swisscom)
  9. Qiao Fu(China Mobile)
  10. Kanagaraj Manickam (Huawai)
  11. Lei Huang (CMCC)
  12. Manik Sidana (VoerEir)
  13. Pierre Lynch (KeySight)
  14. Rabi Abdel (Vodafone)
  15. Weitao Gao (Huawai)
  16. Zihao Zhang (China Mobile)
  17. Cedric Ollivier (Orange)
  18. Michael Bustamente (AT&T)

Goals of 10/23 Meeting

  • Re-Org Scope, Leads, Owners
  • Issues Logs - assign owners
  • Status | Milestones Milestones - CNTT Snezka (next CNTT release)

Agenda and Minutes:

  • Agenda Bashing
  • RI
    • CNTT-RI Project Name Change
    • Labs - access, status
  • RC
    • Re-Org
    • RM Ch 8 Issues & PRs
  • Status | Milestones
    • RI WS Status
      • Core
      • Labs
      • Dev
    • RC WS Status
      • NFVI
      • VNF
      • Dev
  • AOB


  • RI
    • Project name change:  Common Infrastructure Realization & Validation (CIRV)
      • Discussed the name change.
      • No concerns.
      • Questions arose re: the need for "Common Infra" being included in the name, which was logically chosen to denote the targeted focus of supporting the implementation of a "Common Infrastructure", building upon the CNTT RA delivery.
    • RI Labs - Intel Lab
      • POD10 (CNTT RI PoC) - will be used for initial install of OS via AirShip
        • Status 
          • Deployment? (CedricOn-going.  Rajesh, collect status from Sridhar.  And, open a GitHub issue.
          • Jenkins setup?  (Cedric) Jobs written. Waiting for slave from LF.  Working with Jim to get traction.  Support ticket opened.  And, open GitHub issue.
      • POD15 (CNTT RI target state) - end state lab for RI 1.0
        • Status:
          • Target date to start base install?  (Rajesh) Provide date for install.
          • What about the creation/use of PDF/SDF?  (Fu Qiao) Take back to Core Team for how to incorporate/start these consumables.
  • RC
    • Re-Org
      • Personnel
        • RC Organizer:  Mike Fix (AT&T)
        • CNTT RC1 NFVI:  Leads = Rajesh Rajamani (Spirent) and Mike Fix (AT&T; Co-lead = Dan Zu (Huawai)
        • CNTT RC1 VNF: Lead = Mike Fix (AT&T); Co-leads = Kanagaraj Manickam (Huawai), Yan Yang (China Mobile)
        • CNTT RC1 Dev: Lead = Cedric Ollivier (Orange); Co-leads = Kanagaraj Manickam (Huawai), Yan Yang (China Mobile)
      • Review Scope, Chapter List & List of Participants:  CNTT Workstream Signup
        • NFVI
        • VNF
        • Development
      • Meeting time suitable for everybody with all WSs involved?  9 am CT [2 pm UTC] - Doodle poll -, Starting 10/23
      • Desire/need to rotate meeting times to cover multiple time zones?
      • Desire/need need for extra meeting specific to a given WS (if WS leads feel the need to)?
    • RM Ch 8 Issues & PRs

Status | Milestones:

  • CNTT Jan 2020 Release:  CNTT Snezka
  • RI WS → move to RI minutesRI WS
    1. Documentation
    2. Core
      1. Issues
      2. Status
        1. Provided overview of documentation on GitHub
        2. Requested Lead + Contributors to review the GitHub repo and identify where they can support, or assist with content
        3. Similar for issues, requesting all to review GitHub Issues and self-assign, or have the lead assign owners by EOW  
      3. Tasks (Work in progress)
        1. Creation of PDF/SDF Templates
        2. Hand-off to RC WS
    3. Lab Setup
      1. Issues
      2. Status
        1. See above for POD10 and POD15 discussions.
        2. See below for action items needing updates on s/w deployments.
        3. Provided overview of documentation on GitHub
        4. Requested Lead + Contributors to review the GitHub repo and identify where they can support, or assist with content
        5. Similar for issues, requesting all to review GitHub Issues and self-assign, or have the lead assign owners by EOW
      3. Tasks (Work in progress)
        1. PoC on Trial Lab
          •  POD10
            •  Confirm availability (10/9)
            •  Confirm access (10/16)
            •  Perform AirShip installer (owner | date)
            •  Validate install status & env health (smoke test) (owner | date)
            •  Confirm & correct deployment issues - tune manifest (10/16-EOM Oct) (owner | date)
        2. Implementation on Target Lab
          •  POD15
            •  Confirm availability (10/9)
            •  Confirm access (10/16)
            •  Perform AirShip installer (owner | date)
            •  Validate install status & env health (smoke test) (owner | date)
            •  Confirm & correct deployment issues - tune manifest (10/16-EOM Oct) (owner | date)
    4. Dev Dev
      1. Issues✓&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A"RI+1+Dev"+ 
      2. Status
        1. See above & below for POD10 and POD15 status, and action items below.
        2. Provided overview of documentation on GitHub
        3. Requested Lead + Contributors to review the GitHub repo and identify where they can support, or assist with content
        4. Similar for issues, requesting all to review GitHub Issues and self-assign, or have the lead assign owners by EOW
      3. Tasks (Work in progress)
        1. Item 1
        2. Item 2
        3. Item 3

  • RC WS
    1. Documentation
    2. NFVI (Lead = Rajesh, Mike)
      1. Issues -
    Manifest Validations
      1. Status 
        1. Provided overview of documentation on GitHub
        2. Requested Lead + Contributors to review the GitHub repo and identify where they can support, or assist with content
        3. Similar for issues, requesting all to review GitHub Issues and self-assign, or have the lead assign owners by EOW
      2. Tasks (Work in progress)
        1. Receive Lab (date)
        2. Translate RA requirements to Manifest Needs
        3. Tune Manifest to match RA requirements (Target End State Lab - POD15)
        4. Testing
          1. Create Test Plan
          2. Finalize Test Harness/Framework
          3. Perform Manifest Validations
          4. Results Collection & Normalization
    1. VNF (Lead = Mike)
      1. Issues
      2. Status
        1. Provided overview of documentation on GitHub
        2. Requested Lead + Contributors to review the GitHub repo and identify where they can support, or assist with content
        3. Similar for issues, requesting all to review GitHub Issues and self-assign, or have the lead assign owners by EOW
      3. Tasks (Work in progress)
        1. VNF Prototypes
          1. Families Identified
          2. Requirements Identified
        2. Testing
          1. Create Test Plan
          2. Finalize Test Harness/Framework
          3. Results Collection & Normalization
    2. Dev (Lead = Cedric)
      1. Issues -
      2. Status
        1. For OPNFV IRC communication/questions, use IRC channel: #opnfv-functest (Freenode)
        2. Provided overview of documentation on GitHub
        3. Requested Lead + Contributors to review the GitHub repo and identify where they can support, or assist with content
        4. Similar for issues, requesting all to review GitHub Issues and self-assign, or have the lead assign owners by EOW
      3. Tasks (Work in progress)
        1. Jenkins setup
        2. VNF prototype
          1. Development
          2. Connectivity to POD15


  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3


  • 10/23 Meeting
    •  Owner: All →Review/respond to GitHub issues by 
    •  Owner:  Leads - Assign / work action items by EOW  
    •  Owner: Leads - Review / Add Milestones to the Minutes in the Appropriate 'Status | Milestones' section by  
    •  Owner: Rajesh - Meet w/ Trevor + others to discuss overall CNTT Lab Requirements (needs - e.g. POD10, 15, 17-18 (AirShip), 19-Test Tools, etc) by  
      •  Rajesh (host), Trevor, Mark, and Mike - met to discuss the Intel labs and their intended use; acknowledge 10/15/19 are used for CNTT PoC/TargetState/TestTools labs.  17 and 18 are being used by the Airship project, but not CNTT.  Next steps are to research the availability of a 2nd lab within Spirent, and to attend upcoming LF Lab Planning Sessions for future lab needs/support.
    •  Owner: Rajesh - get current status from Srihdar on POD10 installs, and open a GitHub issue to track the deployment by  
    •  Owner: Rajesh - determine a target date for POD15 installs, taking into consideration POD10 install completion, manifest validations, and API health/smoke tests, being done BEFORE POD15 installs by  
    •  Owner: Mark (Victor) - Setup call to start Tracing RM Comp to RC Chapter sections by  
    •  Owner: Cedric - open a GitHub issue for the setup of the Jenkins hosts for RI validation by  
    •  Owner: Fu Qiao - identify how to incorporate, or start developing, PDF and SDF consumables by  
  • 10/16 Meeting:  Yielded time to RI Kickoff discussions.  Refer to RI meeting notes for 10/16 for details
    •  Setup recurring call for RC series starting 10/23
  • 10/9 Meeting
    •  Owner: All → Review/respond to GitHub issues by  
    •  Owner: Impacted Individuals (Test, Installer, Support) - needing access to POD15, request/receive access by    
    •  Owner: Mike - confirm with Cedric O. (Orange) if he will be the "lead" to centralize Implementation & Adoption of Test Hardness/Framework efforts on/by  
    •  Owner: Rajesh - confirm with Sridhar (Spirent) if he will be the "lead" to centralize s/w deployments on/by 
