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Task Force Members,


A summary and actions from today’s call are provided below. Key Update: A draft Reference Implementation for CNTT Project Proposal has been created and submitted to OPNFV TSC. You still have the opportunity to provide input. Please review & give feedback. Send comments to Fu Qiao & Mike Fix by end of day 9/8. A final discussion will then be held to cleanup and complete this major milestone – see details below. 


Rabi Abdel (Vodafone), Heather Kirksey (LFN), Pankaj Goyal (AT&T), Vincent Danno (Orange), Peter Woerndle (Ericsson), Ian Gardner (Vodafone), Mark Shostak (AT&T), Mike Bustamente (AT&T), Mike Fix (AT&T), Fu Qiao (China Mobile), Rick Tennant (AT&T), Pierre Bichon (Juniper), Toshi Wakayama (KDDI), Jim Baker (LFN), Zhi-Qiang Yu (China Mobile), Joerg Aelken (Ericsson), Jonne Soininen (Nokia), Gergely Csatari (Nokia), Jonathan Beltran (AT&T)



  • Housekeeping Items
      • No Updates
  • Technology Update
    • Reference Model  
      • 6 WIP PRs with additional PRs planned
      • Issues are being prioritized for Antwerp
      • Issues are being created by Chapter Leads (captured in GitHub Issues)
    • Reference Architecture  
    • Contacts: Rabi Abdel / Walter Kozlowski (Co-Leads)    


  • Test & Certification
    • CNTT Reference Implementation Project was reviewed (content found in attached PDF)
      • Community review & feedback is encouraged – must be completed by EOD 9/8
      • Fu Qiao to present latest in OPNFV Tech Discussion call on 9/9
      • Call will be  hosted the week of 9/9 to aggregate & align on comments | feedback | input into the CNTT RI proposal
      • PTL nominations are open for the CNTT RI project proposal - Mike Fix (AT&T) has volunteered, pending collection of all nominations, review a& elections.
      • Targeted OPNFV TSC Vote / Approval:  9/17/19
      • Open Item: OPNFV Installers – which ones (Airship, XCI, etc.) will be used in support of Reference Architecture # 1 – discussion will occur once RA # 1 is defined.
      • Open Item: What is the relationship between CNTT & external upstream / downstream community projects such as Akraino, ONAP, OpenStack, etc.? There will be a sidebar discussion in the next week on community engagements & establishing constructs.
    • Contacts: Fu Qiao / Mike Fix / Kyle Greenwell  (Co-Leads)


  • Release Management
    • No objections to approach, next steps, and Ch. 10 items directionally
      • 3 month major release cycle
      • 4 week sprints
      • Include ‘maintenance support’ approach
    • Sidebar working group - discussions and analysis on framework & approach will continue
      • Goal is to move to a continuous delivery | Agile model which would represent change for OPNFV
        • Must address support issues | time requirements to integrate OpenStack releases with Installers
      • Need alignment with OPNFV on a mutually agreed upon structure & cadence
      • CNTT will develop an approach to present to OPNFV, including artifacts
        • CNTT community needs to define Operator requirements to feed into OPNFV on LCM, release longevity, upstream | downstream dependencies, etc.
    • An integrated release flow is important
    • Fido project is potential example to emulate
    • Contacts: Jim Baker / Jonathan Beltran / Rick Tennant  (Co-Leads)


  • Communications Management
    • Zoom IDs are available to Chapter Leads
      • Meetings using community Zoom bridges will need to be added to the community calendar (currently under development)
      • Contact Jim Baker to request Zoom administrative access
    • Active artifact repositories: Common NFVI  Governance , Technology, & Implementation
    • Contacts: Jim Baker / Jonathan Beltran / Rick Tennant  (Co-Leads)


  • Antwerp Face to Face (9/26-9/27)
    • Registration is open for the CNTT 3rd F2F Working Group Session in Antwerp Belgium – REGISTER HERE
    • Antwerp Agenda Reviewed (content found in attached PDF)
      • Suggestion (Jim Baker) – Realign breakout sessions to allow essential contributors to attend both session tracks
        • RA # 2 | Reference Implementation will be grouped
        • RA # 3 | Test & Certification will be grouped
      • Suggestion (Jim Baker) – Make breakout sessions back to back to limit in-flight room configuration changes
      • Sidebar discussion scheduled for Friday morning to breakdown session areas into to detail (topics, time allotments, speakers)
      • Detailed agenda will be reviewed on next week’s governance call
    • Antwerp Logistics
      • Legal | Contractual requirements have been met
      • LFN (Heather) getting the word out for CNTT F2F Workshop in same channels as for ONS promotion
        • social media, newsletters, Linux events, etc.
      • GitHub has been updated with license & code of conduct information
      • CNTT F2F Working Group Session will be co-located with the ONAP & Open Daylight community meetings
        • Request from those communities to have a joint discussion in their session(s) on 9/26 PM
          • Open Item: Topic, Timeframe, Who would cover from CNTT (Jonathan to discuss with Mark)
      • Community Social – Nothing planned or sponsored at this time. Informal gatherings may occur.
    • Contacts: Mark Cottrell / Rabi, Abdel / Beth Cohen (Co-Leads)


  • All – Review & provide input, comments, feedback on CNTT Reference Implementation Proposal
  • Fu Qiao / Mike – Set up call the week of 9/9 to review & align on CNTT FI Proposal
  • Jonathan – Get with Mark on ONAP / Open Daylight request for CNTT time in their sessions
  • Jonathan – Follow up w/Michele Zarri re: GSMA artifact lifecycle
  • Rick – Modify agenda to Jim Baker’s suggestions
  • Jim – Create / post community meeting calendar


What’s next?

  • Fall 2019 CNTT F2F Working Group Session - Detailed Agenda
  • Finalize CNTT Reference Implementation Proposal | Review with OPNFV TSC
  • Identify and assess key open source communities for engagement with CNTT
  • Increase Operator | Vendor engagement in all things CNTT




Mailing Lists Reminder: Stay informed of the latest artifact updates, announcements, call logistics, meeting minutes, and all other working group activities by signing up for any of the following CNTT emails lists: Reference Model, Reference Architecture, Governance, and Technical Steering.

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