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Meeting Logistic: 

Every Wed. at UTC 13:00-13:30

Attendee List:

    1. Pierre Lynch (Keysight)
    2. Michael Fix (AT&T)
    3. Mark Shostak (AT&T)
    4. Mark Beierl (VMware)
    5. Rajamani Rajesh (Spirent)
  1. Lincoln Lavoie (UNH-IOL)

Goals of Meeting:

  • Approve PRs (question)
  • Review & Verify open issues 


Detailed Meeting Agenda:

  • General Admin
    • RI Documentation
      • To be written (completed) with the Jan CNTT Release
    • Run Book (GitHub - RI Ch07 - aka Cookbook for lab setup, deployment and validation)
      • To be written (compiled, completed) with the Jan CNTT Release
      • Will be part of RI Ch07 deliverable
      • Consists of 
        • Pre-Requisite(s):  Bare-metal validations confirming delivery, rack, stack, of env is "ready" for software deployments (e.g. BIOS, firmware, boot order, health, disk config, port / socket validations, MAC/NIC status, etc)
        • a) RA Requirements Gathering process
        • b) Infra Requirements and Selection Process
        • c) Access & Connectivity
        • d) Descriptor file &/or Manifest creation (data elements, use/implementation)
        • e) Deployment Installer & Install Steps
        • f) Deployment Validations
        • ...others?
  • Work-stream
    1. Core
      1. Lead: Fu Qiao
      2. Issues: five(5)
      3. PRs: two(2) →
      4. Status
      5. Tasks (Work in progress)
        1. Creation of PDF/SDF Templates → 11/13 Fu Qiao mentioned there is a call this week with Jack Morgan with the Infra WG to discuss PDF and possible changes needed to accommodate Airship
        2. Hand-off to RC WS
    2. Lab Setup
      1. Lead: Rajesh Rajamani
      2. Issues:  five(5)(
      3. PRs: zero(0) →
      4. Status
        1. POD10 (CNTT RI PoC) - will be used for initial install of OS via AirShip
          • Status 
            • 11/13 → Patches needed
              • SRIOV – thought NIC was different, so diff driver
              • Generic Env Variable
              • Sridhar will open tickets to track (in GitHub)
              • Sridhar will reach out to Airship dev team to confirm both request have been received/acknowledged
            • Manifest Validation(s) - 11/13 Sridhar to provide status and its relation to OPNFV-AirShip status/discussion
            • Jenkins setup? 
              • 11/13 (Cedric) Jobs written. Slave Delivered.
                • CI/CD mostly in place (Functest ok, Jenkins Jobs ok, missing few changes + bugs in Airship for automated deployments)
                • API Compliance (only Neutron and Cinder are well covered by CNTT docs – I’m currently working on Nova, Keystone, Swift and Glance)
                • Functest Compliance is up-to-date with CNTT API section
        2. POD15 (CNTT RI target state) - end state lab for RI 1.0
          • Status:
            • Target date to start base install?  (Rajesh) Provide date for install.
            • What about the creation/use of PDF/SDF?  (Fu Qiao) Take back to Core Team for how to incorporate/start these consumables.
            • 11/13 Discussion on when to deploy to POD15
              • Went over need to perform bare-metal validations as a pre-req:  No tools exist today to do, even UNH-IOL does not have tools
              • Question remains, how to perform validations without a tool?  Step 1
              • Step 2:  Perform manifest validations against deployed code → Rajesh/Sridhar to setup call with Mark S. and Cedric to confirm where Requirements are located, then start looking at tools
      5. Tasks (Work in progress)
        1. PoC on Trial Lab
          •  POD10
            •  Confirm availability (10/9)
            •  Confirm access (10/16)
            •  Perform AirShip installer (owner | date)
            •  Validate install status & env health (smoke test) (owner | date) → In progress (11/13)
            •  Confirm & correct deployment issues - tune manifest (10/16-EOM Oct) (owner | date)
        2. Implementation on Target Lab
          •  POD15
            •  Confirm availability (10/9)
            •  Confirm access (10/16)
            •  Perform AirShip installer (owner | date) → 11/13 Under discussion, pending the outcome of a) the manifest validations in POD10, and b) completion and documentation of  bare-metal validations in POD15.
            •  Validate install status & env health (smoke test) (owner | date)
            •  Confirm & correct deployment issues - tune manifest (10/16-EOM Oct) (owner | date)
    3. Dev 
      1. Leads: Cedric Ollivier, Rex Lee and Lei Huang
      2. Issueseight(8) →✓&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A"RI+1+Dev"+ 
      3. PRs: one(1) -
      4. Status
      5. Tasks (Work in progress)
        1. Item 1
        2. Item 2
        3. Item 3

AOB (Any other Business):

  • Discussed the need to complete RI documentation by Jan F2F
  • Also, discussed the need to complete the "Run Book" by Jan F2F - which will be Ch 7 of the RI documentation
  • Bare metal validations (manifest checks w/ h/w or lab delivery) → needs to be added to the Run Book
    • Gap?  Pre-existing process/validations?  → there are post software deployment validations, but no validations to date to confirm the bare metal delivered is ready for s/w deployments
    • This will be included as a pre-req in the RI Ch07 documentation
  • POD10 deployment - complete?
    • POD10 software is deployed
    • However.. the AirShip deployment installer and manifests were (are) specific to POD17
    • There is AirShip project discussions underway to make the installer generic so it can be used across any POD; for now, it's been manually configured for POD10
    • ETA is ~11/17-11/20 for the automated deployment change can be done and tested, and possibly implemente
  • Functest API test - status?  green light?
    • Cedric received the green light today to run Functest, less the CICD scripts to perform the deployment
    • The deployment+validation steps will not be run until the AirShip generic installer parameters have been created and tested
    • ETA for Functest readout is by EOW (11/8)