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1Requirements Analysis   -    -  
1.1Team BuildingYan YangMon 6/24/19Wed 6/26/193100%3 
1.2Finalize Demo workflow and architectureRabi&Yan&KanagMon 6/24/19Fri 6/28/195100%5 
1.3Create Jira ticket in Community Jira(Epics & Stories)

Project Develop Owner

Rabi to create one

Fri 6/28/19Mon 7/01/19480%2 
1.3.1Create JIRA in VNFSDK , CLIKanag

1.4Make Workloads, Acceptance criteria,Plan, DependenciesYanFri 6/28/19Fri 7/05/198100%5 
1.5Low Level Design(Out put specification for project design to review)Project Develop OwnerSat 6/29/19Thu 7/04/196100%5 
1.6Low Level Design reviewPTLThu 7/04/19Mon 7/08/195100%3 
1.6.1VNFSDK VTP, CLI and LCM automation Kanag

100% 1
2Coding   -    -  
2.1Develop Environment(local env, local test env)Project Develop OwnerTue 6/25/19Fri 6/28/194100%4 
2.2Code freezeProject Develop OwnerThu 6/27/19Fri 7/26/19300%22 
2.3Unit testProject Develop OwnerSat 7/20/19Mon 7/29/19100%6 
2.4Code pushed to the communityProject Community OwnerMon 7/29/19Wed 7/31/1930%3 
2.5Add SDC missing CLI for LCM testingKanagFri 7/19/19Tue 08/01/19

SDC PTL provided good support to enable all required commands;

  • Consumer creation
  • Property setting for NS resources
  • Add artifact into resource
  • Add artifact into service
  • VF model checkout and checkin

2.6create python package for tosca lcm vnf on-boarding Kanag08/02/1908/09/19

Streach goal
2.7on-board python package into VTP as LCM test caseKanag07/31/1908/05/19
Under check-in
3Testing   -    -  
3.1 E2E Test design and demo strategyRabiFri 7/05/19Sun 7/14/191080%6
3.2 E2E Test design and demo strategy reviewYan YangMon 7/15/19Thu 7/18/19480%4 
3.3Internal Demo review(UI Review)RabiThu 7/18/19Fri 7/26/1990%7 
3.4Poject self testProject Develop OwnerMon 7/29/19Thu 8/01/1940%4 
3.5Integration test planWei RanThu 7/18/19Tue 7/23/19680%4 Given that opensource VNF test running on windriver lab, need to confirm with Huawei team if their lab could do this part too
3.6Integration Test case outputKanagFri 7/20/18Sun 7/22/1830%100%1  Aggreed to provide vnf_id, ns_id and based on the VNF health check availability this will be extended to provide VNF status.
3.7Integration testYan YangMon 8/05/19Tue 9/03/19300%22 
3.8Internal Demo Show Round1Team memberThu 9/05/19Wed 9/11/1970%5 
3.9Internal Demo Show Round2Team memberMon 9/10/18Sun 9/16/1870%5 
4Labs Setup(should be ready at 8/1/19)  FALSE   -  
4.1Detailed lab topologyguanzhi&PrabhuSun 7/01/18Thu 7/05/18590%10 
4.2Detailed lab topology reviewguanzhi&PrabhuThu 7/05/18Thu 7/05/18180%10 
4.3Lab Hardware & Software ready(vim, vnfm) guanzhi&PrabhuFri 7/05/19Wed 7/24/1920100%8 
4.4Demo Lab setup (ONAP)guanzhi&PrabhuWed 7/24/19Tue 7/30/1970%5 plan to be finished -7.24
