00:17:05 Dave Thaler: looks like the current L3AF "release process" (such as it is) is documented at https://github.com/l3af-project/governance/blob/main/docs/RELEASE_PROCESS.md. I'm guessing there are gaps we will hear about in this presentation. 00:28:11 Dave Thaler: great point chaitanya 00:30:39 Dave Thaler: one can always find anecdotes that run counter to what is common or sometimes even what is intuitive 00:52:32 Kenny PAUL (LFN): Placing things in context- Section 2a of the L3AF charter says, "The Technical Steering Committee (the “TSC”) will be responsible for all technical oversight of the open source Project." Within the bounds of that oversight the TSC can set whatever type of governance it wants around the release process, whether that be direct ownership, delegation to a release manager, a SIG or whatever. 🙂 00:52:33 Dave Thaler: a website might be another work product 00:53:33 Kenny PAUL (LFN): absolutely. 00:58:08 Louis Illuzzi: Time check. Lets leave 5 minutes to plan Hour 2 00:59:19 Daniel Havey: +1