09:03:47 From saadullah sheikh : ACTN for IP control 09:03:55 From saadullah sheikh : TAPI for optical 09:04:15 From saadullah sheikh : can IDK based controller can control it ? 09:05:11 From Rangan : is IDK ODL? (keyboard neighbouring characters ?) 09:07:44 From Eric Tang : FYI https://wiki.onosproject.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=8424694 09:11:26 From Rangan : https://events19.linuxfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/BayArea-PM3-300PM-Abhijit_Kumbhare-OSN_BA_2018_ODL_Use_cases.pdf 09:11:32 From Rangan : is this the one? 09:11:43 From Abhijit Kumbhare : https://www.slideshare.net/abhijit2511/current-future-usecases-of-opendaylight?qid=0c2e1125-3ac6-4687-a45d-f33dc0dad17f&v=&b=&from_search=1 09:12:00 From Abhijit Kumbhare : This was regarding: ACTN 09:13:49 From Guillaume Lambert : about the MDONS use-case I was mentioning https://www.fujitsu.com/us/about/resources/news/press-releases/2020/fnc-20200618.html 09:13:50 From Abhijit Kumbhare : In the slides: WAN Transport Orchestrator 09:14:56 From saadullah sheikh : thanks very helpful 09:17:34 From Casey Cain : https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/x/GRFoAg