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Work Items

High Level Work Plan and Contributors


Common VNF validation LCM requirements


Steven Wright - AT&T

Work is stated:

This must be done in the E-release, if we are going to "Point" to an ONAP release for a Badge'd VNF.


Common Library of Commands/Functions


This depends on items 4 & 5.


HEAT Specific requirements for VNF validation



HEAT VNF Validation test cases


Code would be contributed to the Integration project, not VVP directly.


HEAT specific commands/funcstest cases would be valuable. 



TOSCA specific req for VNF validation.


Weitao Gao - Huawei


TOSCA VNF validation test case


Rabi Abdel - Vodafone

Weitao Gao - Huawei

Code may live in the VNFSDK/VTP project, this being discussed in their planning meetings.


TOSCA specific commands/func


Weitao Gao - Huawei

9Dovetail / Portal IntegrationDovetail

Georg Kunz- Ericsson

Dan Xu - Huawei

Action Items

  • Heather Kirksey Need to update / reach out to participants for the CVC / MVP call, which meets every other week, Monday morning.

Discussion points from DDF Event Discussions

  1. VFC Implementations - need to define the specific requirements for this first release 
    1. Comment from Eric: VNFM(no matter gVNFM or sVNFM), the requirement of VNFM should be documented. 
    2. Comment from Pierre: the API of VF-C should be abstract(true for VF-C).
  2. Need to define the test environment, including how OpenStack is deployed, and how ONAP is deployed "on top" of that NFVI
    1. Possible integration with XCI work and activities?
    2. Comments from Sylvain Desbureaux : Orange lab is working on the automation scripts for Openstack and ONAP installation but the documentation needs to be completed. 
  3. VNFRQTS has a test case description for Instantiation in read the docs:
    I would invite proponents of the various TOSCA paths that Eric mentioned to document them there as well.

    1. What are the life-cycle operations that need to be worked on.
    2. Other tests? Security port scans, health checks, configuration - Need to clarify what will be in scope of the MVP, and what will be for the next release.
  4. Integration/Testsuite: No need to do anything specific to support HEAT VNF Validation.
  5. How are tests "run" from both the certification tooling, but also from the ONAP portal(s), as part of the life cycle requirements discussion
  6. We need to investigate the common works between Heat and Tosca VNF LCM tests.


  File Modified
PNG File VNF_Validation_Work.png Jun 11, 2019 by Lincoln Lavoie
PNG File image2019-6-6_12-58-51.png Jun 06, 2019 by Rabi Abdel
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 20190611_LFN_OVP_Validation_Planning.pptx Jun 11, 2019 by Lincoln Lavoie

  • No labels


  1. I apologize that I was not able to attend the DDF meeting.   I'd like to raise a few items for correction/discussion.

    Re: Diagram

    1. What is the intent of the VVP and VNFSDK boxes?  I think it is true that those teams are contributing code to Integration, but neither project (at least not VVP) is planning on creating any code in their project.   We may want to make that distinction clearer.
    2. The sequence diagrams are likely illustrative, but they do depict VTP which I don't think has a role in the proposed architecture (at least not for Heat validation)
    3. On items #3 and #6 the boxes say VNFRQTS is defining LCM requirements, but LCM is not in scope for validation.
    4. I don't think our intent is to integrate Dovetail with these particular test cases.  Given that the Integration Robot scripts are already a deployable as part of ONAP, the thinking is that the VNF instantiation test case can be invoked directly from the Robot container.  I think it's much more straightforward to upload those results to OVP vs. injecting dovetail into the flow.
    5. There is a mention of a common library of functions.  This is desirable, but to be successful we need an articulation of the specific TOSCA flow(s) being tested and the steps that will be taken.  Do we have an ETA on when that will be available so that analysis can be performed.

    What is the plan to resolve the open discussion points?

    • Does someone have ownership of documenting the test environment?  Was there any discussion about how granular we expect this to be?  Given we are not testing performance, resiliency, etc, then I'm not sure we should be overly prescriptive outside of the fact they need to be using the prescribed version(s) of the ONAP and the target cloud is OpenStack.  
    • Do we need to have a focused discussion on the library being used to implement the tests?  We've discussed various tools for the automation (Robot, CLI, Orange's Python SDK).  The current plan of record is to just update the Robot scripts, but it's unclear from the discussion points if there needs to be a more formal review and decision

    Can we start working through these via the CVC meetings?

    1. Hi, thanks for making this page, very helpful.

      I would also like to queue up for discussion the steps enumerated in item 4 in the diagram. I'm unclear if

      1. Setup Cloud and Service, and

      2. Setup customer and subscription

      are part of the scope for the MVP. My understanding was that the MVP will be executed on an existing ONAP instance with the cloud already registered, and customer already created.
