Submit a Session 

 Add your session proposal by clicking the appropriate button below. 

Please note that all sessions will be presented in person at the San Jose Convention Center, California.

Plenary Sessions

AI Sessions

ONAP Sessions


CNTI Sessions

L3AF Sessions

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    2024-05 - L3AF: Session Name L3AF​: Simplifying the orchestration of eBPF programs in virtualized environments at enterprise scaleJay Sheth || 30m. Schedule for Friday May 3 around 11AM

    This session will introduce L3AF platform, which manages the complete lifecycle of eBPF programs on hosts at enterprise scale

Nephio Sessions

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    2024-05 - Nephio: Let's discuss and improve Nephio Test-Infra project — 60 minutes, Victor Morales 

    Nephio Test-Infra project is a swiss army knife that contains multiple resources from Ansible playbooks to provision a Nephio Sandbox VM to End-to-End testing bash scripts which guarantee the correct functionality of Nephio components. This session pretends to walkthrough the different part of the project, discuss alternatives to improve it, evaluate alternative implementations, and eventually collect feedback from the attendees to simplify its usage.

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    2024-05 - Nephio: Nephio R3 Developer Event — Full day event on Thursday, May 2nd, multiple presenters

    3rd Nephio developer/community summit to celebrate the second release, discuss upcoming third release goals, and next steps.

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    2024-05 - Nephio: Open discussion on future of Porch — 60min, formally proposed here by Istvan Kispal , but the discussion is open, and may be moderated by SIG2 leaders (Tal Liron or Wim Henderickx, but I haven't asked them yet)

    Brainstorming on how we see the future of the Porch project and it's role in the Nephio ecosystem

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    2024-05 - Nephio: Porch in R3 — 60m, Open discussion moderated by Liam Fallon and possibly Tal Liron (but I haven't asked him yet) 

    Porch, with its current architecture, will be at the heart of Nephio for at least the next release and possibly for some following releases. There are issues in Porch that require attention for those upcoming releases, so consolation of the current Porch component is required in R3 and possibly for longer. This issue describes the consolidation activities on Porch in Nephio R3 (to be released in May/June 2024).

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    2024-05 - Nephio: Scaling the Kubernetes API to support large-scale networks — 60m, Ciaran Johnston Gergely Nagy

    Nephio leverages Kubernetes as the automation control plane at each layer of the stack in order to simplify the overall automation and enable declarative management with active reconciliation for the entire stack. Managed resources are modelled in KRM and many are custom resource definitions that are created in the Kubernetes API server in the management cluster to enable active reconciliation by operators.

    There are some concerns over the scalability of this solution for certain use cases. To bottom these concerns out, it is worthwhile looking at the potential numbers of CRs that will be created and defining some test cases to verify the upper bounds of those limits before we start to reach them in the wild.

    In this session I will aim to propose some numbers - theoretical and possibly practical - and trigger a discussion on the future way forward.

OpenDaylight Sessions